Friday, July 31, 2009

heyheyy (:
today was not too bad .
went schh & met mira . mcm biase [:
wanted to infarred bt tad damm ting was not on .
so, batalkan larhh niat tuu.
then wen asembly . VP tok till me & mira bcame mad.
singing babablackshiip & twinkletwinkle star . haha.
almost sleep siia .ZzZZzzZZ (+.+)
got maths common test . wahwah.
so hard !!! didnt do 2 question wich consist total of abt 10-12 marks.
2 page siia.
walauu! okayy . dun tok abt maths .
then P.E . aiyoyo....
tired man! train for 2.4 km .
ran ard the field . till my muscle cramp.
recess , maths , CME then malay .
didnt do hmwk. bt cg nvr ask. so yeahh. Husshhh X:
then we watched music frm M.Nasir & Jamal A.
forget the tittle lerhh .
then cg let us hear IZINKu PERGI .
tad sad song abt tis guy passed awayy & wanted the girl to move onn.
then i cried . cos tad brings bck my past memories with my late ex.
Arwah Muhd Amirul Ul-Huq .
he got killed in 2002 @ east coast .
haiya... long storyy larhh .
wanted to forget hym, bt till nw its hard for me .
even though its been a long time . bt he is still in myy heart til nw.
its not easy to forget uu. even though ur gone & will nvr come bck.
bt i n0e u are always here to watch me.
im lucky to find someone tad is almost the same with hym.

'i still remember the last tyme u sang for me,
kau ilhamku, at east coast during sunset . hw sweet was tad.
bt i didnt n0e tad was the last tyme im going to see u, & the last tyme im going to hear u sing.
i went off awile then i my fren came to me & sayy " ryna, yuyul kene tikam" & i was like stun.
i ran & saw u down with blood . haishh. I miss you, i reallie do.
i regret tad i miss tad single seconds with uu.
hw i wish i was there to save uu . bt its too late.
&& he told me his last sentence, [iloveyou] .
wont eleborate on tad . cos its hurts. '

i jus cnt forget uu . bt im happy nw tad i've found someone like uu.
& wad u said to me was true.
bringing million tears to my eyes for uu wont bring u bck.
all i cn bring bck was only memories tad will always be in my heart FOREVER.

okayy, stop tad .
no more toking abt hym. cos uu gotta move onn.
ryna olreadi have Rozaini (:
&& also have my darlinks to be there for me (:
im oreadi happy enough !
shyanng, thanks for being here for me & thanks tad u always do understand me (:

got to go. shaynng is waiting for me to call .
update ad nytes y'all .



Wednesday, July 29, 2009

heyy peeps .
its only lyke 12.52 p.m
cn sayy tad im bored ad hme.
i didnt go to school todays cos today's lesson is boring !
got history test & i didnt study .
tads the reason whye .
bt sway siia Ms D. Ng msg me " rina, u r going to do ur test tmr after schh"
walauu!! swear i'll give reasons tad i cnnt . hahaha!
Mum's out with tad GIANT IBLIS !
they went out . left me && my maid .
shyanng went to Medical check up for NS .
OMGOSHH !!! he's going in so soon !
&& he cnt bring his fone in.
so gotta wait for 4-5 hours for hym. alahai~
miss hym siia ♥
i bet mira didnt go schh too ! (ryte beb ?)
& ikah was sent home as she was having fever .
poor Juwy alone. Sory hunns , bt i gt bad stomach ache .
Ikah - Get well soon kayy darlink!

well well .
today is aiilyna's bdae .
& i cn admit i miss her badly .
bt... sum probs happen.
so jyeah. will make up & tok soon.
aniways, gonna myte her tis sat & pass her prezzie .
tad, i wont forget.
yarhh 10yrs of frenship. aniting cn happen.
bt wad to do, things change .
& i prefer the new me!
having my darlinks (uu noe hu u r guys )
was better cos i n0e tad they're much more
understanding && mature enough .

i bet nw shaynng is doing his check up.
it hurts u noe, wen uu gotta face the fact that
sumone u realiie love gotta go awayy even if its awile.
cos in those days wen he's nort around with uu,
aniting cn change .
whye u feel tis way?
cos, ur afraid of losing hymm.
cos it wont b the same as ur alwayys with him.
& u'll feel sumting empty in uu .
bt tis is part of lyfe .
there is always ups & downs
& u gotta face its.
cos i n0e one day (insya allah) we will be happy .
in tis past 3yrs+ we've been thru alot . i mean ALOT alot .
wen people tries to seperate us . bt i n0e tat we wont give up
hahaha. cheyy Jiwang nah akuu .
okay ryna , stop tad .


-aiyaaa.... blog sort or my comp sort ? cnt change the font && cnt upload piics.
Stupiid larhh -
Aniwayy schools not so funn .
got mad manymany time todayy.
morning2 fought with the kiasu teacher . Ms Gan .
erghhh !!
'ryna, pls dunn slip or put ur head on the table ...'
walauu ehh, i oso nvr slip wan tok much .
just hate her man ! bt cnt do aniting much to her as its Eng .
an important subject to pass .so gotta tahan her .
Nvm ryna, u cann do it beybehh !
okayy, today was syaff bdae !
happy bdayy hunney ♥
plan to celebrate it after schh . yeah.
juwy wasnt in class for the whole sch period . she's late & she gotta
wait outside general office till schh's end . pity her man!
her hair rocks todayy . hahah-
during art . sumthing happens .
was oreadi 1period gone. left with another hour.
planned to draw, bt no mood.
&& then suddenly... Mr.Yip came in breathing so hard .
he ask thaddeus " did u went to art room jus nw?"
thaddeus : no. i jus walk ard the school.
me+mira : y mr.yip?
mr yip : sumbody uses my brand new paint & splash it all over the stairs!
if i get to know who did tis, i swear im gonna whack the guy up .
OMGOSH! mr yip is very angry tad me & mira & thaddeus followed him down to see if he's olryte.
we both me & mira became Investigator kejap nq cari clue larhh kn . hahah.
&& we know hu did it . bt i shall nort sayy hu okayy.
Hushhush .promises are meant to be kept .
olryte. after sch as usual met shayanng bt he picks me up today outside schh.
& he came with abg .
cos abg wanted to myte ikah .. nie part tqnk extend larhh.
cian ikah nnt . ( ikah, u noe, we noe bt public dunnoe ehyy )
hahaha (:
then waitted for mira & syaff as they celebrated syaff bdae in sch with their whole class.
then went off to juwy's hse. due to sumthing scary happen to juwy's sister .
then went der bt tqde pape. naseb2.
then ikah wanted to go to the dewan to sabo syaff.
so we took bus & made our wayy.
wen we reach , i went to buy flour && ciggie with abg && shyanng .
wen we came bck, mira uat hal.
ingat kan btol. she prentended to kene sampok.
chase her && my hand muscle ache after tad.
walauu mira .nice acting siia !!
then time to sabo syaff .
they four (ikah, mira ,juwy & syaff) pretended to take photo
while me & abg & shaynng pour flour all over her .
best . syaff dh mcm hantu jepon! hahaha. all in white !
lpak jap, took photos && wen off.
juwy must work & mira mus go hme. so am i...
so yeahhh, we went home.

went home, after a few hours ... i fall asleep.
till 8 plus i guess . too tired man.
&& shyanng called me for 17 times.
relakk larh, i was sleeping hunney.
then Giant Iblis came .
tried toking to me bt i jus ignore her &&
wen bck to my room .
she naggs outside . blalalala~
sway tok abt her ...

okay peeps . i wanna try to upload the piics. so just wait .

syaff : happy bdae to uu!! may ur wished come true ♥

toodles ~

Happy bdae !!!

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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Ryna !!
This is for you !
haha .


Image uploading check baby !!


alamak. mus learn frm mira !!
stupid blog!
mira tmr mus cum school kayy .
jgn paitaw lgy ehyy . nort gud !
heee~ ryna mishh uu !
waik, ape larhh .
padahal bile2 ble jp perhh .
kayy. school's okayy.
1st period , hip hop .
cool dance moves on the song Insomia
plus dancing Micheal Jackson dance moves .
common' he's dead !
then lessons per normal ..
& blablabla .... (school jus sucks)
after school we made our seperate wayys.
juwy had promised Rupert to follow hym buy skate-deck.
(she's too kind) & sumthing happen .
walk with ikah to mrt then toodles .
wen off to met shayanng at TPY .
he pick me up at Bradell mrt & wen central to look for mye dinner shoes.
so he get so mad & fed-up cos he says tad im very ceweret .
then wen bwh blk & lpak.
& then i have one bad news for hym .
my aunts & my mum wanted to bring me to China this end of year .
hais, & this thurs, he's going to check up for NS.
guess time is running too fast tad he mus go.
bt promise, i will wait.
No matter hw long it takes !
promise !

gtg ! neeed sum rest for tmr.
gt many test cuming & i havnt start studying ! F***
toooodles ~

p.s : mira i love youu hunney! thanks alot for ur help !


Monday, July 27, 2009

new post baybiie.
bt my page is not done yet .heee`
okayy. today was not so good dayy for me.
i guess. many tings happened tad got me so mad .
&& i guess, im gonna be sick .
school was bored as usual .slept in CME .
got to tahan in Physic. BORED SIIA.
then gt disturb by Lucas, Steven & Matthew P.
stupid, keep poking me. suke kn tgk aku melatar !
klaka perhh .
after school met Mira outside .with Shaffy !
made our way to KFC to met Shayanng .
then we came late cos i have to walk frm school to KFC & its far okay!
so he give he's angry look as per usual cos im late .
Come on larhh, paham siket urhh ..
tq paham akuu .
then lpas mkn , we go lpak ad blok 130B.
wanted to camwhore, bt thanks to shayanng he was a frog & catch it .
i ran with mira cos i SWEAR i am VERYVERYVERY AFRAID OF FROG!
gt phobia. so jyeah, mus understand larhh.
nie tq , maseh le kejar kite. mcm ape kn!
urghh!!! then plan to hide pat atas blok.
sempat record suare kite yg merdu niie. Chey, mcm paham.
then went dwn bck, still he;s with the frog.
i was so mad , reallie.
so, dayy was called off wen the sky gets dark.
wen home taking cab .
but guess wad !! all the wayy he didnt tok to me!
cos he's angry ad me abt one stupiid small frog cos im scared of it.
he didnt understand abt phobia . wth!
susah btol larhh! all the wayy keep quiet in cab.
drop hym ad thomson & he didnt even salam or sayy aniting to me
b4 getting down.
weird ryte, i should be the wan hu is mad nort hym siia.
Nvm, tahan.... till nw he hvnt msg me or call me. lets wait.
sedehh siia aku ):
jus online jus nw && lyna nudge me.
saying yy i avoid her .
haiyooo.... its long story larhh.
wad happen between me & her was jus a misunderstanding.
bt gurl, wake up!
u should be asking urself & syaing to urself tad u dun nid me.
cos u hav many better frens out there that will be there for uu.
helping uu solve ur probs wer me?
u said i make use of uu. & even tad, u shouldnt show attitude to my frens.
cos i didnt & never show my attitude to ur frens.
tink larhh 10Years of friendship waste jus lyke tad .
hais.... i tried keeping tis feeling .
bt maybe, i stand it for too long tad i cnt stand it no more.
im s0ry, bt i promise. ur bdae, i wont forget (:
& to shyanng : im sory if wad i've done make uu so angry. bt pls understand me.
to mye hunns (mira,ikah,juwy) thanks for being by mye side. u guys are the best !!! *huggs*
to lyna: give me tyme .
to shaffy : babe, dun be sad abt wad had happen between uu & ex. bt gotta move on. jus tink.
does he worth ur tears tad u shed for hym? even if u cnt forget hym, there are still memories tad left u bhind
while ur with hym. move onn. there are always betta ones out der tad deserve ur love. (: jgn sedeyy yerhh ...

tads all. will blog if aniting great happen later .
chiows !


Sunday, July 26, 2009

heyy people, im new here.
so yeah, it might be pretty ugly ad first.
bt i'll make it up aites .
toodles !


♥ RynaKechiiq

" She’s a little girl who seems to be living in a perfect world but nope actually she's not. "

16/ 14 January/ Clumsy

Syaffy JR
Hidayar Jr
Seri Warda

July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 December 2009 January 2010

imeem .
1 song Playing ♥
worlds apart by The Veronicas

Designer : Chili.
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