Wednesday, December 30, 2009

hello semue!
just came frm from sch.sec 1 orientation (: 1 whole day siia.
nevermind, lets start frm yesteday.
yesteday suppose to go tak jadi & in the end gy J.B . nie juwy perh cute. janji kol 9. aku kol die ampai kol 1pm sak. tdo tq angon, ampai kakak die kejotkn die. biolkntu anak?aku kol ampai 30kali pon tq bgon. aku rase bom sebelah die pon die tq tau .bom meletup pon die kiong dlu. heee~ naseb die bgon. tdk, aku pecahkn uma die. yg pegy abg aku, ank die:Mirza mak aku, aku & juwy. naik krete. ingatkn nq gy tmpt gerek,checkcheck tmpt mendaq sak. nq beli beg skola & kasot skola pon tqd yg menyerelekan aku. cari pe cari in the end beli CD, Cigg & kasot jazz. cute tau kasot die. aku pe kaki dh kecik pakai size 3. juwy plak tkd size for tad brand. its only until size 5. nq beli yg lain, tpy aku plak tkd size. & lain pattern tq minat.tu tkpe, ade salesgirl tu suro aku pkai size yg bdk kecik, size 13! aku tau larh kaki aku kecik. tpy tk sekecik sgt dol!
in the end beli yg jazz tu. Juwy pon beli uh size 5 tu. cian die, ketat sey kasot tu for her.
then went bck home, biase. stuck in traffic Jam. Babi tol. sampai ttdo aku nan juwy. kite plak takot sal byk benda yg tq ble dibawa. pat custom pon step uh tido(:
yea. so balik tros kite plan nq gy bugis. juwy nq beli bjju for countdown. went baby♥ work place, then took bus to thomson plaza then took cab to bugis.went shopping and all. penat woi nq cari bju laki. susahhhh !
then kite smue lapar. wanted to eat nasi lemak but tutop. bodoh btol pe kdai, aku nan juwy confident masok nq order tros org tu ckp " sory ah, close alreadi"
ape lgy kite gerak gy mac. makan. skali ade this group of chinese boys was like standing outside. fierce perh ~ mcm tunggu nq makan org jeg. Fanatic ah lu smue. time lmbt wei nq fanatic.
best part alek. smue dh nantok beh tdo uh dlm bus. juwy stop pat thomson plaza sal naq jumpe kwn die. aku nan baby plak stop pat tmpt uma aku. tk lame aleq :D
pnat siia.
nie gamba yg gy J.B :

met baby♥

toilet pat J.B :/

thenthen tdy plak aku gy skola. ade sec 1 orientation. pnat siia. ketawe2 mcm bdk bodoh.
makeupkn si Nilla & Aziz. model akuu(: then showed the seniors the video. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they cry , i cry all cry ):
yeah, will miss them badly :(
haishh~ then guess wad?????
only like 4 students join malay dance! WTH !!!!
cikitkn??? but will pull in more :D
finished walk home with dearest people then went baby♥ work place. sit down awile then go home. penat uh hari nie. dah smlm tak cukop tdo .
sampai sini jeg. anyway, bsk countdown!!! cant wait to celebrate with maloves <3
hope we'll myte up yeah guys ? cos i miss y'all .
toodles ~ will update soon :D


Monday, December 28, 2009

back !
back frm myting baby♥ & Juwy . Ouhh she's coming tomorrow with me to batam !
wahaaaaa~ best nyer! gerekgelek baybey [: so went eat kfc with baby♥ . Juwy kasi 2 xtra ayam seyy~ thanks Mok, bsk kite jumper okay? jgn bgon lmbt plak. ferry kol 11 dh jln tau!
Gosh, gonna leave baby♥ whole dae tmr. sedih sey ]: will miss hym manymany sia.
jgn naughty-naughty eh ! im still watchin. haha ^-^
wahhhh, cpt dh naq 2010 sia. pejam celik dh bukak skola .
and sooner after tat baby♥ will go N.S . haishh ]: will miss hym damm much sey.
hopefully things wont change ehy dear.
i wont forget this " suatu hari nanti pasti kan bercahaya
pintu akan terbuka kita langkah bersama
di situ kita lihat bersinarlah hakikat
debu jadi permata, hina jadi mulia "
thanks baby for the encouragement . i will mark those words kay.


hello (: saye kembali .
So today, woke up late for school, got dance meeting for the sec 1 orientation.
planned out few things & will be doing everything on wed's morning. meaning, bsk tkya dtg skola ! Bestkn????!!! BUT. . . .

i'm going to Batam with my Family tmr . haishh ~ cian baby♥ aku kene tgl lgy. but tkpe, its only like a day, wont be staying over there. invited Juwy too(: cos she told me once if nq gy other country tell her cos she wanna follow. but she havnt dcide. So we'll see later.

Well, in school i was like the first to reach. Wah~ must wait so long siia ! Then Nilla & Syaffy & the rest (: Its super kcho today. its lyke everyone bcame Badot kejap. & Eina makin menjadi2 kentawe, NON-STOP Hits sak die ! Tgk die ketawe , aku yg perot sakit . Giler uh tu anak! hahaha! Syaffy & Shahiran larh kite pe Badot yg paling Top. they use props to design themselves. Perot naik cramp sak aku tgk drg [: Tapy best larh krg !

after dance went walk with them to central, took bus to myte baby♥ ad his workplace again.
Now, just waiting for tyme to siap & myte baby♥ again after his work. then mayb myting Juwy ad her workplace to mkn ! So then she can tell me her answer wether she's going or not .

tads for now, continue ad nyte . toodles ~

pictures for today :

Shahiran . Si biol nie [:


P.S : graduating seniors, we'll make it up. Promise (:


Sunday, December 27, 2009

hello blog ! time check: 12.32AM . Well just came bck frm mytinq baby♥ . Pnat woii . hari niie gerekGelek (: Wah seyy! Ad last met Lynn @ tpy.she then tman me go do my hair, she too cut her hair. cute perh die. well supposingly i wanted to cut somethinq diff bt end up lain. mampos! Syg nmpk comfirm kene maki.
than suddenly she had an idea of changing fone wich is to my fone.then find the fone & then she change it. Cute kn si Belo niie .had lots to share siia. talk and talk non stop.while doing the hair there this hair salonist name raymond tat did for my hair. he's like so damm funny and also so bising ! jadi larh kwn aku pat situ . he keep saying wether is he hawt or not. blablabla~ gile uhh tu jantan .then tman Lynn to AMK to myte her fren. lepak awile then meet baby♥ ad his work place.ingatkn wen he saw my hair die nq maki, bt instead he kept quiet. ntah ape kene nan die. Rupenye he like the hairstyle, lawa die ckp. mak aku plak ckp mcm Minahrock.
Cute perh mak :D rock2 pon, ank mak jgk kn !
then headed to our port , lepak, makan & ketawe mcm org gile.
kecian mataer aku, asik kene bodo-bodo nan aku hari niie .Tkpe larh syg, u mmg i perh bodoh:D
Tengah lepak nie, Mira called. & she sounded so sad. okay its personal & i souldnt elaborate.
but beb, ingat advise aku tau! jgn uat bende bodoh. i n0e ur a strong girl behbey !
U can do it (: Ryna kan ade utk kau. jgn takot. Aku syg kau kay ! MUACKSX!
okay larh kawan sekalian, saye mau bobok ;/ pnat uhh.
nanty aku update lgy kay. bsk mau ke sekolah ! ade dance meeting (:
pictures for today :

it's raymond [:

short / long ? you decide (:

& baby♥ imissyou already ):
Selamat malam smue ! ♥

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Saturday, December 26, 2009

Pagy smue (:
Hahhhh~!! blog aku dh jdy dh!
Much thanks to my gondol fren IKAH.
Masey Gondol , akuu Syg kaw!
Blog lawa, aku tq cerewet larhh !
masey beb !
Hahh, krg nq tau.
niie kwn aku nie skg dh sombonq tauu!
tpy tau pon rinduu aku.
hahhh, makcik, aku ponn rinduu kau larh
aku rinduu smue kwn aku tau !
tkpe, countdown ader kite jumper kay.
dun w0ry , always a day for us to be bcq together :D
skg niie aku nq mandi siap nq gy jumpe Yukiko.
Biase, dh lame tq jumpe byk nq catch up.
haaah~ ciian die asyik nq jumpe2 aku tpy tq kesmpaian.
nq gy gunting rambot nan die,
then jumpe Si bodoh tercinte akuu tu .
nnty akuu update lgy kay, mcm yg akuu janji :D
insya allah .

aku rinduuuuuuuuuuuu mereka banget !

Kay bai :D

Hello dead blog. Hahaha! Sorry uh Rina intrude blog kau. Aku update kan kay? :D By the way, kalau kau nampak blogskin ni, takmu mengucap takmu aper lah kay. Aku tau tak selawar yang kau nak :( Korang sumer nak tau bender tak? Ader ke aku dah susah-susah edit kan blog si kechik ni, beh aku ter clear edits. Wah teros mangkok jap sak aku. Paiseh uh beb, aku pon tak sengajer sia. :/ Carik punyer carik blogskin baru, ni jer yang aku interested. Harap-harap kau suker kay? Tak suker nanti aku tolong kau tukar lagi (: Lagu pon aku luper lagu aper kau nak haha nanti bilang aku lah yer? K bye aku rindu korang sumer uh seh. Aku nak meet korang during countdown!!! :O


hello ! dah lamer kn tq update !
malas uhh ~
but i wont be lazy againn . i'll try update everyday ehyy (:
insya allah kalau saye tq buzy atau malas . heehh-
okay , mau edit2 jap.
nnty update ehh .


♥ RynaKechiiq

" She’s a little girl who seems to be living in a perfect world but nope actually she's not. "

16/ 14 January/ Clumsy

Syaffy JR
Hidayar Jr
Seri Warda

July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 December 2009 January 2010

imeem .
1 song Playing ♥
worlds apart by The Veronicas

Designer : Chili.
x o x o