Thursday, January 14, 2010

okay, mira "tak" giler aku ader kat uma aku(:
hehehe, "slumber party nan kucing akuu .
hehehe, bsk aku update kay?
nyte/ mau skola sok pagy ! tooodlees.



Monday, January 11, 2010

hello people !
yeah! didnt go school today cos im superduper tired & my body's aching badly.
on Sunday, i dont feel tad well alreadi and my nose's bleeding. so baby♥ took half day off.
thanks dear, ur the best ! yesterday went school & got p.e .naseb tkya lari. but instead we got to listen to talks and its like soooooo dammmm long! then recess. its an early recess! fcuk tad new recess timing ;/ ade pagy2 suro org mkn. giler kn?
then finish school went to infrared with juwy & thad + the gang. ouhh, Shawn, Clinton, Samuel & Weiyang was there too! hehehehe~ miss them trucklods!
then planned awilefor this coming sat outinq to celebrate my bdae & shawn's bdae[:
sambilan tu, tunggu si dua ekor syg akuu. Mira & ikah (:
then lepaklepak then proceed to baby♥ workplace with mira cos she wanna buy cigg .
then it was like so busy that kite sempat buat homework siia. baik kn??? tau((((:
then baby♥ mengamok ntah ape cite ntah. & i wanna go home. so reached home then slacked. malam planned to meet baby♥ again to settle things. end up gadoh besar plak .
adoii~~ sygsyg . asl makin hari nie u asik nak mengamok jeg. PMS eh ? hmphh.
tkpe rina, saba:/ gado perh gado end up baik jugak. Mak belom tau kite gado. die tau mampos syg aku kene beleteh . heee~
& baby, i dun mean wad i say yesterday. i dun wanna leave without uu . cos i cnt .
i dun wan u to leave cos i need u here . ♥

so this pics was yesterday piic :

kay bai (:


Saturday, January 9, 2010

happy birthday Bibik ;]
on the 8th Jan was bibik's bday. so well happy bdae ehy . the 29th (: dh tua perh.
hahaha. eventhough was not a great day for her, but i hope i had made her happy (:
so, i got no mood to blog today.
so yeah, till soon .


Friday, January 8, 2010

Hello ! been almost a week ryte nvr blog???? [:
yes, lately when sch starts i've been very busy and tired. seriously. wad i did for the past 1 week was the same routine everyday . morning woke up, go sch, assembly, lessons, recess, lessons again, end sch, go atas blog, infrared, walk to busstop and took bus to baby♥'s work place. eat there lpak then go home. see? same thing everyday. & its tiring. cos somrtimes ad nyte after baby♥ finish work, met hym awile again till mlm. mcmne tk pant ]: but nvrmind, he's going NS soon. so gotta spend more tyme with hym.
lets talk abt first day of sch. like i said, i've appeal to drop to normal acadamic bcause i dont wanna retain in sec 3 again for like the 2nd tyme. cos i've been in sec3 life alredy like 2 yrs. & no more 3rd year. so i drop to sec4 NA. first day: i was hoping i was not in tad teacher's class( for some hu noes alreadi) but i wen in her class. perh sway. then in the class she talk and talk. suddenly V.P came in. brought me out to the another class. well tot i couldnt adapt but mayb slowly larh kn. met new frens. & they are frenly, thanks peeps. but darlinks, dun worry. u guys will never be forgotten[: so basically nw , im officially in 4A3. haahhh, the most kcho class i guess???
one weeks has passed & things seems to be okay. hopefully, for the next 10months ? i hope.
andand my birthday is coming!!!! weee~ dh tua sak aku. 17. haishhhhh.... i miss the sweet16 life. nw im older & i gotta be serious and matured in life. no more hanky panky and stuff (: gotta think positive in all kinds of stuff. & gotta do wads ryte & the best for me .
umor aku mangkin meningkat, tpy height aku bile nk meningkat nie? sedey sak ):
after my birthday plak its my anniversary with baby♥ . date sebelah2 jeg.
naseb during birthday baby♥ tkya keje. but friday anni baby♥ keje. & sat plak gy celebrate bdae aku nan Shawn . sal bdae same date mah. haaaah~ amek kau. kang satu geng nnty kite bwk. plan nk gy kuar mlm. mira, hopefully can sey . hmmmmm...
the next week plak baby♥ off nk ajak gy mkn. he said gt suprise. wohoooo~ cant wait sey!
dhdh, cukop. nie plan jeg....
okay, kalau kn aku tk update, paham2 yerh. maksodnye aku pnat larh tu kay.
nie ade larh gamba yg aku kumpol for the week.

kay bye! update soon yerh (:
take care semua !


Saturday, January 2, 2010

yesterday went out with mum, cik wi, kak nana & baby nurul . went to sembawang shopping centre since im meeting baby♥ & mak at night. So went Sembawang shop here and there. layankan si budak kecik nie, pening kepale aku. So she wanted to talk to baby♥ . i called hym and pass the fone to nurul & she was like " PAAAAAAA!!!!!! " then mumble her own words and paling cute she said i miss you to baby♥. biase larh dh lame tk umpe papa die kn. rindu larh tu.
after shopping went back home waiting for tyme to siap to go pick baby♥ then go his house . Mak is waiting for us & Cika. go the house nak dye rambot alek itam uh. leceh nnt tk dye kene anta alek larh smue. biase skola kn nak bkak, kene larh be goodgirl. heee~
Mak suke uh nmpk Cika , play2 with her smue. then after dye rambot baby♥ sent me home. but before heading home we went makan at kedai mamak near my house. then alek.
wah sey, ambot dah itam. dh goodgirl [:
Bsk plak dh bukak skola, mayb things wont be the same in school and also with baby♥ .
cant go back so late cos schooling. & cnt realie had tad much fun like last year with the 3 of them. haiishh.... hopefully im in a class yg tkkn membawakkan masalah kat aku ehh.
mayb lr going yishun pasar malam with baby♥ and his work frens. so i wanna watch zombieland.
byebye .

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Friday, January 1, 2010

Hey people! happy new year ~ & wishes all the best for all of you aiyai :] ryna syg krg yerhhhh!
so basically during countdown we all had fun ryte? so yeah! i did!!
first met baby♥ and abg at yishunn Mrt . wanted to buy somethinq for us. but planned was abg's matair tq dtg, then ask juwy tagg along. skali last min plak, she came. but still juwy came :]
syg kaw ! actuali this year planned was like so cokup siia ! first plann was nk gy club, tk jdi. gy marina pon tk jadi. haishhhhhh...............
mira plak sadly, she cnt tagged along ): sedey siia . but there's always another tyme. ikah plak mayb mlm cikit jumpe . so met juwy at Bishan mrt then proceed to Grandlink to waste tyme. ape lagy KARAOKE ! weeee~ bestbestbest! first tyme aku dgr Juwy nyayi. Cute perhh !
Me , baby♥ , abg . ain & juwy sang . wah seyy. all except juwy dah lost in the world siia. hahaah. dhdh, nie part tknk elaborate . lepas tu plak , planned cokup again! walao................. abg nan ain pergy town. and me & baby♥ tknk gy town sal kcho uhh dgn byk org.
so juwy plak tknk ikot kite. sal kite plan nak minum. die dh nak gy, skali plan cokup die plak nak gy bishan jumpe manager die. hahaha. best part aperh, die mcm takot nak lang aku nan baby♥ tad she wanted to go home. takot kite marah. apedah beb, nak gy, gy jeg larhh:] aku tak mara larhh. so she tumpang us to bishan mrt then took train myte ikah at khatib. nampaknye counddown kat khatib uhh. brought Robert then proceed to myte her. so then walked to her block , proceed to her tmpt biase & waited for her another fren. then procced to another block to lpak. aku nan baby♥ pon start minum. & its like only kite due yg minum. mampos.
Ikah fren smue cutecute. kekek sak drg . make us laugh. then when dh nak abes Robert aku pon dh rabak. sampai muntah sak. haish. paisey aku nan drg.
PS to Ikah & her fren yg ader ; paisey eh krg aku gone dpan krg. if aku tersilap kate maafkan yerh :]
sampai tyme pon aku nan baby♥ gerak. he sent me home .thanks for taking care of me syg <3
& baby. its alreadi 2010 . it will be a new chapter for us ryte syg? we dh knal for like 4years ? and let the past be memories and lets began anew chapter for us kay baby? wadever it is , i promise that i will not stop loving u till the last breath of my life ♥.
countdown tk byk gamba. nie jeg yg ader.

us ad grandlink

done ;]
so today ,
baby♥ tak kerje. so we myte ad amk to buy my school's stuff. then proceed to our port to lpak ;]
thenthen dah mendak, called Mak . then we myte up ad TPY . Mak blanje makan (:
thanks Mak . hehehe. ouhya, kakak & her hubby pon dtg. lame tak jumpe die. ad last dpt jumpe . hehehe. kcho sey kat kdai kopi. mak uhh, cute sgt[: hehehe.
then tros alek sal pnat .
brought Cika milk & bottle.
ouhya, memperknalkn Cika. my new kitten. Bro gave it to me. its still small. VERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRY CUTEEEEEEE!
i swear ! haha. gtg.
baby's mad. he wants me to bobok [:
pics for today ,
its Cika.

me & mak

me & kakak
baby♥ & mak

p/s : Mira, aku rindu kau!

pss: imy mai.


♥ RynaKechiiq

" She’s a little girl who seems to be living in a perfect world but nope actually she's not. "

16/ 14 January/ Clumsy

Syaffy JR
Hidayar Jr
Seri Warda

July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 December 2009 January 2010

imeem .
1 song Playing ♥
worlds apart by The Veronicas

Designer : Chili.
x o x o